ACHC Gold Seal

For inquiries, please call: 443-596-8238

We offer resources for safe and secure housing where substance abuse victims can readily find the support they need.
young man in substance abuse theraphy

Sabinas House offers a residential program for the provision of safe, supervised housing. This ensures that each client has access to community resources that help them address the issues they face in their condition.

We encourage our clients to learn and apply daily living skills for independent living, positive mental health, and behavioral growth. The program includes both individual and group sessions to help clients gain a deeper understanding of their condition, its impact, and what they can do to successfully manage it in their daily lives.

This program lasts for 30 to 60 days and involves:

  • Health meals three times a day
  • Daily transportation to and from the programs
  • Daily group sessions with certified, licensed staff members
  • Anger and withdrawal management
  • Foundations (ASAM 3.5)
  • Individual and group mental health sessions
  • Substance abuse and pain management

It is our goal and commitment to help you remain sober, avoid relapse, and reintegrate into the community. Our multidisciplinary team uses an individualized approach to therapy that focuses on your unique needs.

Are you interested? Learn more about our residential program by calling 443-596-8238. Get started by setting an appointment.

If you or someone you know is having an addiction or mental health emergency, please call 911 or the Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc. (BCRI) Hotline at 410-433-5175.

couple talking with psychologist